Informatički rječnik

CLI komande IOS - Mrežne klase, podmrežavanje

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Konfiguriranje računalne mreže znači da se vrši konfiguriranje aktivne mrežne opreme koja se u mreži koristi prema dizajniranoj i prihvaćenoj shemi. Nekad se je za navedeno koristio serijski priključka RS 232c na računalu povezan s posebnim priključkom na mrežnom uređaju. Mogu se koristiti i drugačije vrste konektora, ali je kabel za povezivanje mrežnog uređaja i računala strogo namjenski i isporučuje se uz mrežni uređaj. Preko 'Terminal' ('Hyper Terminal' kod Windows XP OS) programske potpore računala pristupa se aktivnom mrežnom uređaju te zadavanjem komandi sadržanih u operativnom sustavu mrežnog uređaja vrši se njegovo konfiguriranje. Kad se mrežnom uređaju dodijeli adresa koja je u skladu s osmišljenom mrežnom shemom firme-ustanove, može se preko web sučelja, koristeći grafički prikaz GUI (Graphic User Interface), pristupiti konfiguriranju mrežnog uređaja, ali ne u punoj mjeri kao kroz komandnu liniju - CLI (Command Line Interface). CLI je primarni način konfiguriranja uređaja.

 Cisco Tako firma Cisco u svojim mrežnim uređajima koristi IOS (Internetwork Operating System) koji omogućava konfiguriranje mrežnog uređaja na oba navedena načina. Naredni tekst je mali priručnik koji pokazuje kako treba sagledati TCP / IP u odnosu na OSI model koncepcije mreže, korisne komande koje Windows OS sadrži za brzi pregled postavljenih parametara računala i kontrolu komunikacije kroz mrežu, popis klasa računala, pomoćne tablice za uspješno podmrežavanje (subnetting) mreže, te komande za konfiguriranje Cisco usmjernika (router) i preklopnika (switch). Komande omogućavaju da se mrežnom uređaju definira od imena administratora i njegove zaporke do konfiguriranja komunikacijskih protokola i raznih mehanizama sigurnosti.

 TCP / IP suite of protocols according to layers of the OSI model
       OSI                  TCP / IP                      Protocols          PDU
---------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- --------
7. Application    Application                     Telnet, FTP, SMTP 
6. Presentation                                   ASCII, GIF , JPEG        D A T A
5. Session                                        Socket Interface(HD,FD)  Data
4. TRANSPORT      TRANSPORT (Host2Host/End2End)   TCP, UDP                 SEGMENT
3. Network        Internet                        IP                       PACKET
2. Data Link      Network Access (Host2Net)
    LLC (802.2)                                   SAP, SNAP
    MAC (802.3)                                                            FRAME
1. Physical Bits

 Classes of of computer networks and subnetting
 Commands in the Command Prompt window of PC
 ipconfig /all
 arp -a
 netstat -n
 ping          (network layer - 3)
 telnet    (application layer - 7)

 Network classes - computer addresses (public and private)
 Network addressing with IPv4 (32 bits)

 Class   1      8      16      24      32
         .      .       .       .       .
   A     |0.Net.|.........hosts.........|
   B     |10...Network..|.....hosts.....|---- publice networks
   C     |110........Network....|.hosts.|
         .                              .
   D     |1110....Multicast address.....|
   E     |1111.........Reserved.........|
                          CIDR           Leading bits
                        notation          (HOBits)  
   A       1-126.h.h.h   IP/8                0
   B     128-191.N.h.h   IP/16               10
   C     192-223.N.N.h   IP/24               110
   D     224-239.n.n.n   IP/32               1110             (Multicast) 
   E     240-255.n.n.n   IP/32               1111              (Reserved)
  Network 127 is reserved for the loopback ( and testing
         224.0.0. 5 = OSPF DR i BDR                           (Hello-LSA)
         224.0.0. 6 = OSPF ostali
         224.0.0. 9 = RIPv2 = EIGRP      (Dual-Hello), SR (routing and top table)
                                     , FS (top.table)
                                     , table of neighbor
   A      10.  0.0.0 -  |
   B     172. 16.0.0 - 172. 31.255.255  |---- private networks
   C -  |

An example of networking computers and computing devices in a private class C
is shown in Chapter 7.4.5, at Figure 7.4.16.

   The most commonly used ports (number and purpose)
|Port |  20 | 21 | 22 |  23 |  25 |  53 |  69 |  80 | 119 | 110 | 161 | 443 | 531 |

   Decade-hexadecimal-binary numbers
|D| 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 |  9 |  8 |  7 |  6 |  5 |  4 |  3 |  2 |  1 |  0 |
|H|  F |  E |  D |  C |  B |  A |  9 |  8 |  7 |  6 |  5 |  4 |  3 |  2 |  1 |  0 |

   Decade-hexadecimal-binary numbers with leading zeros
| 16384|8192|4096|2048|1024| 512| 256| 128| 64 | 32 | 16 |  8 |  4 |  2 |  1 |  0 |
|H|4000|2000|1000| 800| 400| 200| 100| 80 | 40 | 20 | 10 |  8 |  4 |  2 |  1 |  0 |
| |0100|0010|0001|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|B|0000|0000|0000|1000|0100|0010|0001|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
| |0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|1000|0100|0010|0001|0000|

   Subnetting B-class (128-191.N.h.h IP/16)
|------|-----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----|-----|
|Format| /17 | /18 | /19| /20| /21| /22| /23| /24| | /25| /26| /27| /28| /29|  /30|
|------|-----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----|-----|
| Net  | 128 | 192 | 224| 240| 248| 252| 254| 255| | 255| 255| 255| 255| 255|  255|
| MASK |   0 |   0 |   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0| | 128| 192| 224| 240| 248|  252|
|------|-----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----|-----|
|Net-b |   1 |   2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 | |  9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |  14 |
|Host-b|  15 |  14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 |  9 |  8 | |  7 |  6 |  5 |  4 |  3 |   2 |
|------|-----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----|-----|
|      | 1000| 1100|1110|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111| |1111|1111|1111|1111|1111| 1111|
|Binary| 0000| 0000|0000|0000|1000|1100|1110|1111| |1111|1111|1111|1111|1111| 1111|
|      | 0000| 0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000| |1000|1100|1110|1111|1111| 1111|
|      | 0000| 0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000| |0000|0000|0000|0000|1000| 1100|
|------|-----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----|-----|
|Range |  128|   64|  32|  16|   8|   4|   2|   1| | 128|  64|  32|  16|   8|    4|
|------|-----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----|-----|
|T-sub |   *2|    4|   8|  16|  32|  64| 128| 256| | 512|1024|2048|4096|8192|16384|
|U-SUB |   * |    2|   6|  14|  30|  62| 126| 254| | 510|1022|2046|4094|8190|16382|
|------|-----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----|-----|
|T-host|32768|16384|8192|4096|2048|1024| 512| 256| | 128|  64|  32|  16|   8|    4|
|U-HOST|32766|16382|8190|4094|2046|1022| 510| 254| | 126|  62|  30|  14|   6|    2|
|------|-----|-----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |----|----|----|----|----|-----|
  * If by IOS router supported zero subnets can be used specified

Example of subnetting private class B
is shown in the Chapter 4.4.4.


   Subnetting B-class (192-223.N.N.h IP/24)
 | Format             | /25 | /26 | /27 | /28 | /29 | /30 |     |     |
 | Net Mask           | 128 | 192 | 224 | 240 | 248 | 252 | 254 | 255 |
 | Bits borrowed - NB |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |
 | Bits for host - HB |  7  |  6  |  5  |  4  |  3  |  2  |  1  |  0  |
 |                    | 1000| 1100| 1110| 1111| 1111| 1111| 1111| 1111|
 | Binary             | 0000| 0000| 0000| 0000| 1000| 1100| 1110| 1111|
 | Range              | 128 |  64 |  32 |  16 |   8 |   4 |   2 |   1 |
 | Total subnets      |  *2 |   4 |   8 |  16 |  32 |  64 |    NB     |
 | Usable SUBNETS     |  *  |   2 |   6 |  14 |  30 |  62 |   2 - 2   |
 | Total hosts        |*128 |  64 |  32 |  16 |   8 |   4 |    HB     |
 | Usable HOSTS       | 126 |  62 |  30 |  14 |   6 |   2 |   2 - 2   |
 | IP-IP hosts RANGE  |  *1 |   1 |   1 |   1 |   1 |   1 |           |
 | for first SUBNET   |*126 |  62 |  30 |  14 |   6 |   2 |           |
  * If by IOS router supported zero subnets can be used specified

   Subnetting B-class /27 (3 bits borrowed)
 | Broj|   Subnet ID   | IP-Brojevi| Boadcast |  Addresses with zero "0"
 |Mreže|   (NET-MASK)  | HOSTOVA   |    ID    |  are reserved for the
 |-----|---------------|-----------|----------|  NETWORK (bits of host part)
 |  0  |x.x.x.(000)  0 |   1 - 30  |x.x.x. 31 | 
 |  1  |x.x.x.(001) 32 |  33 - 62  |x.x.x. 63 |  Addresses with one  "1"
 |  2  |x.x.x.(010) 64 |  65 - 94  |x.x.x. 95 |  are reserved for
 |  3  |x.x.x.(011) 96 |  97 - 126 |x.x.x.127 |  BROADCAST of NETWORK
 |  4  |x.x.x.(100)128 | 129 - 158 |x.x.x.159 |  (bits of host part)
 |  5  |x.x.x.(101)160 | 161 - 190 |x.x.x.191 |
 |  6  |x.x.x.(110)192 | 193 - 222 |x.x.x.223 |
 |  7  |x.x.x.(111)224 | 225 - 254 |x.x.x.255 |
  'Subnet' mask of subnet /27 is: (x.x.x.11100000)

  Sub-subnetting C-klasa /27 at /30 for serial links
 | Pod |Sub-Subn.|  IP   |Sub-Subnet|   IP    | 
 |Mreža|   ID    |LINKOVA|    ID    | LINKOVA |
 |-----|---------|-------|----------|---------|  Addresses with zero "......00"
 |  0  |x.x.x.32 | 33-34 |x.x.x.192 | 193-194 |  are reserved for the SUB-NET
 |  1  |x.x.x.36 | 37-38 |x.x.x.196 | 197-198 |  (bits of host part)
 |  2  |x.x.x.40 | 41-42 |x.x.x.200 | 201-202 |
 |  3  |x.x.x.44 | 45-46 |x.x.x.204 | 205-206 |  Addresses with one  "......11"
 |  4  |x.x.x.48 | 49-50 |x.x.x.208 | 209-210 |  are reserved for
 |  5  |x.x.x.52 | 53-54 |x.x.x.212 | 213-214 |  BROADCAST for SUB-NET
 |  6  |x.x.x.56 | 57-58 |x.x.x.216 | 217-218 |  (bits of host part)
 |  7  |x.x.x.60 | 61-62 |x.x.x.220 | 221-222 |
  'Subnet' mask of sub-subnet /30 is: (x.x.x.11111100)

Example of subnetting private class C
is shown in the Chapter 4.5.5.

  Different tables of subnetting only for 'Usable SUBNETS' i 'Usable HOSTS'

   Subnetting B-class (128-191.N.h.h IP/16)
 |Format|OF Bits|   Subnet Mask   | Subnets | Hosts | Range |
 |  /17 |   *1  | 255.255.128.  0 |     *2  | 32766 |  128  |
 |  /18 |    2  | 255.255.192.  0 |      2  | 16382 |   64  |
 |  /19 |    3  | 255.255.224.  0 |      6  |  8190 |   32  |
 |  /20 |    4  | 255.255.240.  0 |     14  |  4094 |   16  |
 |  /21 |    5  | 255.255.248.  0 |     30  |  2046 |    8  |
 |  /22 |    6  | 255.255.252.  0 |     62  |  1022 |    4  |
 |  /23 |    7  | 255.255.254.  0 |    126  |   510 |    2  |
 |  /24 |    8  | 255.255.255.  0 |    254  |   254 |    1  |
 |  /25 |    9  | |    510  |  126  |  128  |
 |  /26 |   10  | |   1022  |   62  |   64  |
 |  /27 |   11  | |   2046  |   30  |   32  |
 |  /28 |   12  | |   4094  |   14  |   16  |
 |  /29 |   13  | |   8190  |    6  |    8  |
 |  /30 |   14  | |  16382  |    2  |    4  |
  * If by IOS router supported zero subnets can be used specified

   Subnetting C-class (192-223.N.N.h IP/24)
 |Format|OF Bits|   Subnet Mask   | Subnets | Hosts | Range |
 |  /25 |   *1  | |    *2   |  126  |  128  |
 |  /26 |    2  | |     2   |   62  |   64  |
 |  /27 |    3  | |     6   |   30  |   32  |
 |  /28 |    4  | |    13   |   14  |   16  |
 |  /29 |    5  | |    30   |    6  |    8  |
 |  /30 |    6  | |    62   |    2  |    4  |
  * If by IOS router supported zero subnets can be used specified

Sljedeća stranica odnosi se na konfiguraciju usmjernika (router).

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Citiranje ove stranice:
Radić, Drago. " Informatička abeceda " Split-Hrvatska.
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Copyright © by Drago Radić. Sva prava pridržana.  |  Odgovornost
 Pojmovi  Informatička abeceda